Artikeln publicerades 30 juni 2022

Masteruppsats om kognitiv tillgänglighet på folkbiblioteken

Hjärta av böcker

En uppsats av Anna Grelle och Agnes Aspenström från Uppsala universitet. De har skrivit uppsatsen inom ämnet biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap.

Titeln på uppsatsen är:

Stärkt kognitiv tillgänglighet på folkbiblioteken: En studie av tillgänglighetsarbetet på sex folkbibliotek som finansierats med hjälp av Stärkta bibliotek.

Utdrag från uppsatsen, på engelska:

Our results show that the libraries use a solution-oriented approach to improve their accessibility. They have focused on improving the physical library, for example by making the lighting, sound environment, information, and signage more accessible. All libraries have collaborated with Begripsam. People with cognitive disabilities are a versatile group with different needs, which makes it difficult to follow the Swedish library law to be “accessible to all”. There are several laws and guidelines regarding cognitive accessibility, but they seem to be hard to find and interpret.

Our study shows that the grant from the Swedish Arts Council has been necessary to make the libraries more accessible for people with cognitive disabilities. Begripsam has had a great impact on what the libraries have done to improve their cognitive accessibility. There seems to be a need to make the guidelines on accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities more accessible for library staff. The grant is temporary, but the process of making libraries more accessible never ends. The lack of adequate finances is an obstacle for the public libraries’ ability to be accessible for all, and they would benefit from a more permanent solution.

En studie av tillgänglighetsarbetet på sex folkbibliotek som finansierats med hjälp av Stärkta bibliotek, öppnar ny flik Länk till annan webbplats.